vineri, 22 iulie 2016

De la Ferrara-Florenta (1438-1439) in Creta (2016) pe calea apostaziei

parintele Eftimie Mitra
Părintele Eftimie Mitra explică de ce sinodul din Creta este unul tâlhăresc și propune sa ne rugam pentru indreptarea lucrurilor

     Am citit documentele finale a Sinodului din Creta. Am constatat ceea ce au aratat si alti teologi ortodocsi, o cadere a ortodoxiei in sfera ecumenismului. Cine e sincer in convingerile sale e constient ca ecumenismul este o erezie si nu va accepta aceste hotarari oricat ar fi de impuse. Va trebui fiecare sa aleaga daca asculta de invatatura Bisericii sau de hotararile din Creta. Asta fiecare va face dupa cum ii spune constiinta. Atentie inainte de a lua o decizie. Trebuie sa fim constienti ca cine va avea o alta parere si se va decide sa asculte de invatatura Sfintilor Parinti sa se astepte inevitabil si la repercursiuni.

      Unii ierarhi greci au dezvaluit ca in Creta s-au facut presiuni pentru ca rezultatele sa fie favorabile “oficializarii” ereziei ecumeniste, motiv pentru care nu gresim sa spunem ca acest sinod este talharesc, cum de altfel au mai fost si altele in istoria Bisericii. Toate sinoadele talharesti au avut sustinere si implicare politica si toate au fost facute sub presiuni. Foarte asemanator cu ce s-a intamplat anul acesta in Creta. Insusi constrangerea de a se finaliza cat mai in graba, felul in care a fost organizat si regulamentele despre felul in care sa se ia deciziile in cadrul sinodului din Creta au lasat loc de suspiciuni inca dinainte de a avea loc. Ramane de vazut cine si in ce masura il va recunoaste. Daca citim Vietile Sfintilor vom observa ca in cazuri de acest fel, Sfintii nu au recunoscut aceste “sinoade” si pentru aceasta au avut o cruce grea de purtat, unii chiar si martiriu. Ele au fost oficializate doar local si temporar, pana ce cauza existentei sinoadelor talharesti a disparut. In cele din urma Adevarul a ramas in Biserica, aceasta datorita celor care s-au jertfit pentru El. Acum se pare ca erezia s-a oficializat la o scara mai larga, motiv pentru care trebuie sa fim constienti ca lupta va fi mai grea ca in primul mileniu de crestinism. Poate de aceeia multi Sfinti au afirmat ca si-ar fi dorit sa traiasca in vremurile din urma, pentru ca jertfa lor pentru Hristos sa fie mai mare.

      Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur spune:
Trebuie a asculta de învăţători şi de preoţi, şi a nu-i judeca, chiar de ar avea o viaţă urâtă; dacă însă credinţa le e greşită, atunci nu trebuie doar să nu-i ascultăm, ci şi să fugim de ei, şi să-i judecăm. Căci Dumnezeu prin toţi lucrează pentru mântuirea poporului, iar producerea jertfei aceeaşi este, fie că are viaţă curată sau necurată cel ce produce. 1.

      Va randui Dumnezeu alte sinoade (si/sau sinaxe) in care hotararile din Creta sa fie anatemizate si sa se revina la invatatura autentic ortodoxa. Sa ne rugam si pentru cei care au avut curajul si taria sa apere ortodoxia in Creta, desi au fost putini, dar si pentru cei care, din neputinte omenesti, sau poate chiar convingeri, au apostaziat.

      Sunt voci care sustin ca asa-zisul “sinod pan-ortodox” a fost facut la comanda papei si a marilor puteri politice ale lumii prin intermediul patriarhului Bartolomeu de Constantinopol. Daca intr-adevar este asa, se va vedea in viitor, lucrurile nu vor putea sta ascunse la infinit. Cert este ca, daca aceste hotarari se vor pune in aplicare, ortodoxia nu va avea decat de pierdut, iar catolicismul a castigat inca o batalie pamanteasca. Speram ca victoria catolicismului din Creta sa fie de aceeasi putere cu “victoria” obtinuta in cazul similar de la Ferrara-Florenta in anul 1438-1439. Atunci cedarea arhiereilor prezenti a fost sanctionata de catre cler si popor. Speram ca in cazul nostru sa nu fie nevoie de astfel de situatii. Indreptarea sa vina de la cei ce au gresit si Biserica lui Hristos va birui si in/peste aceste vremuri. Asta depinde nu doar de ei, ci si de noi, de sustinerea morala si prin rugaciune pentru intarirea lor in credinta, ca cei ce au gresit sa isi poata indrepta raul facut Bisericii Ortodoxe a carei madular suntem cu totii, si cei care au participat acolo, dar si noi, fiecare in parte.

Traducerea in limba engleza:

From Ferrara-Florence (1438-1439) to Crete (2016) on the path of apostasy

Father Eftimie Mitra explains why the Cretan Council is a „thievish council” and he proposes us to pray for mending the situation.

I’ve read the final documents of the Cretan Council. I’ve found what other orthodox theologians stated, too, a fall of the orthodoxy in the sphere of ecumenism. Who is honest in his beliefs is aware of the fact that ecumenism is a heresy and won’t accept these decisions no matter how much it would be imposed on. Each one should decide whether to listen to the dogma of the church, or to the decisions from Crete. Each one should do according to its conscience. Attention before taking a decision. We have to be aware of the fact that who will have a different opinion and will decide to listen to the belief of the Holy Fathers should, inevitably, anticipate consequences.

Some Greek hierarchs revealed that in Crete pressures were made for the results to be in favor that the ecumenist heresy to “become official”; that’s why we aren’t wrong to say that this council is a false, thievish council, as others were in the history of the Church. All thievish councils had political involvement and support and all of them took place under pressures. Very assembling to what happened in Crete this year. The constraint itself to finalize the as soon as possible, the way it was organized and the rules concerning the decision taking inside the Cretan council made place for suspicions even before getting started. It remains to be seen who and in what degree will recognize it. If we read the Lifes of the Saints we can notice that in such cases the Saints did not recognize those “councils”, therefore they had a hard life, some of them became martyrs. The councils became official only locally and temporary, until the cause of the existence of thievish councils disappeared. Finally, the Truth remained in the Church, for those who sacrificed for It. Now it seems that heresy becomes official at a larger scale, that’s why we have to be aware of the fight, harder than in the first millennium of Christianity. Maybe that’s why many Saints said they would have liked to live in the latest times, for their sacrifice would have been more important.

Saint John Chrysostom says:
We must listen to teachers and priests, and not judge them, even they had a bad life; But if their faith is wrong, then not only to not listen, but to run away from them, and to judge them. Because God is working through all for the salvation of the people, and the sacrifice is the same, whether is the life that produces it, clean or unclean. 2.

God will arrange other councils (and/or synaxis) where the decisions taken in Crete will be anathematized and it will return to the authentic Orthodox belief/dogma. Let’s also pray for those who had the courage and the strength to defend Orthodoxy in Crete, although they were few, and for those who, from human weakness, or even beliefs, apostatized.

There are voices sustaining that the so-called “Pan-orthodox council” took place at the demand of the pope and of the greatest political powers of the world, through the Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople. If it’s true, it will be seen in the future, things won’t be remain hidden forever. It’s certain that, if these decisions should be applied, Orthodoxy will lose and Catholicism will win another earthly battle. We hope that the victory of Catholicism in Crete should have the same power as the “victory” obtained in the similar case from Ferrara-Florence in 1438-1439. Back then, the yield of the present hierarchs was penalized by the clergy and the people. We hope that in our case should not be necessary such situations. The correction should come from those who were wrong and the Church of Christ will overcome in/over these times. That depends not only of them, but of us too, of the moral sustain, of the prayer for their strengthening in faith, for those who made a mistake to be able to straighten the damage made to the Orthodox Church, which parts we all are, those who participated there, and us, each and every.

1 Omilia II, din Tâlcuiri la Epistola a doua catre Timotei, Tit, Filimon ale Sf. Apostol Pavel, SFANTUL IOAN GURA DE AUR, EDITURA NEMIRA 2005

2 Homily II, the interpretation of the Second Epistle to Timothy, Titus, Philemon of St. Paul, by St. John Chrysostom, Nemira 2005

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